Domestic shipping only!
At this time, Nuggetshooter ships only within U.S.A We use both UPS and USPS for most packages.
NuggetShooter offers a standard 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Within 30 days of receipt of your order you may return or exchange any detector or accessory for a in store credit only, as long as all items are new, unused, unassembled, in the original unopened packaging, with the manufacturer’s warranty and instruction manual. When you are returning products, return shipping, insurance, etc. are your responsibility. If your detector was shipped under a free shipping promotion, shipping charges (both shipping to, and return and replacement) may be deducted from your credit ammount, at our discretion. If payment was made via credit card, merchant services/credit card fees (3%) may, at our discretion, be deducted from the credit amount as well.
If the return is a result of our error or if the item is defective (out of the box), please send it back within 14 days of purchase for an exchange. Defective products will be exchanged at no cost to the customer once the item is returned and inspected and proven to be defective.
Alternatively, the refund will be in the form of store credit. At our discretion shipping charges may or may not deducted from the store credit.
Gift card sales are final and non-refundable.
If you are attempting to return an electronic item that has been opened or used due to the nature of electronic items, all sales are final unless defective from the manufacturer.
When returning items in an order that the customer paid shipping, on which the item(s) are unused, we may, at our discretion either require the customer to pay for return shipping or, in the event we send a return label, deduct the cost of return shipping from the credit amount.
Return Process
For your return or exchange to be processed, 3 simple steps must be completed.
Contact us at You will be asked for your order number and the reason for your return.
We will contact you within 48 hours to provide return instructions and when required a Return Merchandise Authorization.
You will pack the items securely and send the item back to us.
Once your return is received and inspected (usually within 48 hours of receipt), your return will be processed and a credit will be automatically applied fo your next purchase.
Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.
The terms and conditions contained herein are subject to change at any time without notice.