
My name is Bill Southern, I have been using a metal detector to find gold nuggets (Nugget Shooting) for well over 30 years with Minelab being my detector of choice for the last 20 or so of those years. Currently, I am using the Minelab GPX 6000 and I am very impressed with the newest offering from Minelab the new GPX technology is impressive allowing me to find gold in places I thought hunted out as well as being deadly for finding new areas! Yes, indeed it has paid for itself....
Tammy, my wife, joined me in detecting and doing Youtube videos about our adventures about 5 years ago and we have been together now for over 6 years. Though fairly new to Gold Nugget Detecting she does very well with her Minelab detectors and has become a big help to me in our business as well. We have become a great team in the field and in life.
I am a Certified Expert by Minelab and am the one to see for your Minelab purchases and training especially when it comes to Gold Nugget Hunting. I also offer most other brands of metal detectors and know how to use them and train you, but again Minelab is usually my recommended detector for both novice and expert for many reasons I can share with you by phone or in person.
I am very passionate about nugget shooting as well as doing some coin, relic, and treasure hunting and I thought I'd share some of my experiences as well as some lessons hard-learned over the years with other folks interested in searching for the elusive yellow metal that hopefully will help you get a step ahead of the crowd. With today's gold prices well above 1500.00 per ounce, what better hobby to get into?
Really it is true that with determination, patience, research, the right equipment, and a little luck, you too can find gold nuggets with a metal detector! But nuggets are not the only item I hunt and find, coins, treasure, relics, and meteorites are also on the list and will be discussed here at Nugget Shooter. I will do my best to introduce you to this hobby and help you to understand what it's all about through numerous articles and other information I have written or gathered over the years.
You will also find many articles written by some of the Southwest's best Nugget Shooters as well as stories of prospecting from plain old folks. I try to offer a place to learn to metal detect here at Nugget Shooter and everyone's experiences are welcomed if you can put them in writing. So if you dabble in writing I'd like to see a sample and I just may post it here for you!
I will post gold nugget, coin, meteorite, and treasure hunting pictures, information, locations, and in some cases directions to proven nugget shooting sites in hopes of helping you to enjoy this rewarding hobby as much as I have and still do. If spending time in the outdoors and finding Gold Nuggets or other goodies with a metal detector appeals to you then by all means read on....
First off it is very important to always remember to stay off marked claims and private property without prior permission from the owner. It is up to each of us to know where we are at all times to avoid trespassing on legally filed mineral claims or private property. FILL ALL HOLES! Caring for our public lands is very important and remember you are not the only one that uses the land around you and leaving it as you found it is very important to wildlife as well as following laws set forth by various agencies that regulate mining and other activities.
This site is dedicated to the electronic prospector and meteorite hunter, but all methods, detector brands and types of metal detecting will be discussed to some degree including the coin and relic hunter as well. At this site you will find information for experts and newbies alike and my goal is to offer useful information to help you find more gold or coins and better understand your detector PI or VLF, and how to use it more efficiently. I am always interested in hearing back from you with questions, comments, stories, and experiences you have had that may be interesting to others on my FaceBook Group Page, Nugget Shooters and Rockhounds.
I live in Southern Arizona and do most of my hunting in the deserts of the Southwest. There are still plenty of nuggets and meteorites in this vast area to keep the electronic prospector busy for many years to come. There are also numerous ghost towns and mining camps as well as old homesteads now long forgotten just waiting to be hunted. I spend a lot of time in the field and I will continue to update this site regularly. So Grab a cup of coffee and spend some time here and I think you will find a lot of interesting as well as useful information not found elsewhere on the net to help you get your share of Southwestern gold and other treasures.
I do also have a little shop in Morristown, AZ between Wickenburg and Sun City on Highway 60/89 (Grand Ave.) where you can purchase Minelab gold, coin, or relic detectors as well as Commander Coils and other Minelab accessories. I try to keep most any item you will need in stock at all times for your convenience. My store is located on a property developed in the early 1900s and resides in an old miner's cabin, we call it the land time forgot. If you don't see a product you need at my site call and ask because I probably have it in my catalogs. You can order online or stop in for a chat at my shop, but please call first to make an appointment so we do not miss each other.
I am an authorized Minelab Metal Detector Dealer and I am very proud to offer all of these great products and services to assist you in your search for GOLD. I use Minelab products almost exclusively for nugget hunting, but can help with any questions you may have! I am a multi-line dealer as I fully believe all the products I offer to be the best there is for hunting gold nuggets, coins, treasure, relics etc. hands down and can show you why I can say that with confidence. Each manufacturer has different options and we will work hard to match you to the proper detector for your needs!
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Where we share our tips and adventures in gold prospecting and metal detecting.